Cloud storage service that allows you to store your documents, photos, videos, and more online. From Drive you can also use Google Docs, Google Sheets, and other applications to create and edit various types of files. Access your drive on the web, mobile device, or on your computer (Mac or PC).
Cloud storage service that allows you to store your documents, photos, videos, and more online. From Drive you can also use Google Docs, Google Sheets, and other applications to create and edit various types of files. Access your drive on the web, mobile device, or on your computer (Mac or PC).
There are 46 videos about Google Drive below. (click on playlist arrow for other videos)
Google Tips & Tricks
Google Guides:
Guide to Google Apps for the iPad
Guide to Drive Sharing
Guide to Keeping up with Google
Guide to Google Apps for the iPad
Guide to Drive Sharing
Guide to Keeping up with Google
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